In this week's installment of The Best Topps Set Countdown, I will finish up the middle third of Topps sets. There is one thing I feel I must point out. Just because a set is listed today or even in the last few weeks, does NOT mean I don't like it. It is my opinion, that a card collector (or a collector of anything for that matter) should like at least half of a collected product or else why bother. For me, I think only the bottom 15 or so of this list falls into the "don't like" category, and even then there are some good qualities with almost every one of those sets. Now that the countdown is nearing the top 20, we are talking about a stage of degree of likability. So before anyone think I am crazy for not liking these sets, relax I do like them. There are just others I like more. With that said, let's take a look at the next five on this list.
25. 2007
PLUSES - I am a big fan of the black border. The two colored squares on the front were a nice addition of color. The back is very solid as well. I especially like the "field-colored" stat box.
MINUSES - I still hate facsimile signatures, even more so on modern products because of the abundance of certified autos. There is some unused space on the back under the small photo. If they had moved the team logo there and reformatted the personal info it would be a nearly card back.
24. 1966
PLUSES - The different colors of the name bar and team slash throughout the set perk up an otherwise boring front design. Nice photography in general (although I picked a bad example to show that fact). The black box for personal info really adds to the back.
23. 2011
PLUSES - Very good photography, perhaps the best ever for a Topps set. The "baseball logo at the end of the rainbow" is a great design element. I really enjoyed the little text about the card number history on the back, although it is awkwardly arranged.
22. 1975
PLUSES - The two-toned color scheme is very iconic and symbolic of the "psychedelic" 70's. The team in the block lettering really works for this set. I like the addition of the player's middle name on the back. A simple touch that adds a lot to the set.
21. 1981
PLUSES - I love the caps on the front. It is surprising that this is the only set (that comes to mind anyway) that uses that as a design element. The back is crisp and very readable. I like the dual cartoons at the bottom as well.
This really is an eclectic grouping. I'm sure some of you that are a few years older would have 1975 in your top 10 or higher, but it was in that "too new to be vintage, too old to be current" stage when I first started collecting. Therefore, I never really got that attached to it, but I still like the set. What are your thoughts on the above sets? How about the collector's mentality? What percentage of Topps sets falls into your "like" category? Join me next week for the start of the top 20.
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