Base Set Completion - COMPLETE
Base Set Dupes - a bunch, but no 2nd complete set...will sort and get back to you later
Christian Friedrich - several base, no hits or parallels... :o(
Regular Parallels /50 - 4
Regular Parallels /25 - 2
Regular Parallels /5 - 1
Regular Parallels 1/1 - 0
Die Cut Parallels /50 - 4
Die Cut Parallels /25 - 1
Die Cut Parallels /5 - 0
Die Cut Parallels 1/1 - 0
Die Cut Parallels - 1
Regular Jersey /199 - 1
Parallel Jersey /50 - 1
Parallel Jersey /25 - 1
Regular Autos - 9
Green Autos /50 - 2
Yellow Autos /25 - 0
Orange Autos /5 - 0
Purple Autos 1/1 - 1 (WOOHOO)
Okay enough raw stats, you came for the pics, here they are.
14 Ethan Martin - 13/50 - Dodgers 1st round 15th overall
33 Corban Joseph - 01/50 - Yankees 4th round 140th overall
38 Zach Collier - 13/50 - Phillies 1st round 34th overall65 Bryce Stowell - 11/50 - Indians 22nd round 681st overall
Yellow Parallels /25
95 Stephen Fife - 01/25 - Red Sox 3rd round 85th overall
120 Austin Jackson - 03/25 - Yankees 2005 8th round 259th overall
Orange Parallels /5
10 Justin Smoak - 2/5 - Rangers 1st round 11th overall (traded to Mariners for Cliff Lee)
Green Die Cut Parallels /50
43 Ray Kruml - 14/50 - Yankees 11th round 350th overall
81 Zeke Spruill - 15/50 - Braves 2nd round 70th overall102 Hunter Cervenka - 46/50 - Red Sox 27th round 832nd overall
123 Yonder Alonso/Jemile Weeks - 15/50 - Reds/A's both 1st round #s 7 and 12 overall
Yellow Die Cut Parallels /25
145 Boise Hawks - 01/25 - Cubs Josh Harrison (6th), Ryan Keedy (16th), Jake Opitz (12th)
Regular Jerseys /199
P-CG Carlos Gutierrez - 109/199 - Twins 1st round 27th overall
Green Parallel Jerseys /50
P-SF Stephen Fife - 39/50 - Red Sox 3rd round 85th overall
Yellow Parallel Jerseys /25
P-LL Lance Lynn - 12/25 - Cardinals 1st round 39th overall
Regular Autos unnumbered
FH-JA Jay Austin - Astros 2nd round 56th overall (hope his bat aim is better than his sticker aim)
FH-MM Mike Montgomery - Royals 1st round 36th overall
FH-JK Jason Knapp - Phillies 2nd round 71st overallFH-EQ Edwin Quirarte - Giants 5th round 147th overall
FH-RP Ryan Perry - Tigers 1st round 21st overall
FH-CS Cody Satterwhite - Tigers 2nd round 67th overall
FH-ID Ike Davis - Mets 1st round 18th overallFH-TR Tyson Ross - Athletics 2nd round 58th overall
FH-JL Josh Linblom - Dodgers 2nd round 61st overall
Green Parallel Autos /50
FH-DS Daniel Schlereth - 15/50 - Diamondbacks 1st round 26th overall (traded to Tigers)
FH-AS Aaron Shafer - 38/50 - Cubs 2nd round 65th overallPurple Parallel Autos 1/1
FH-XA Xavier Avery - 1/1 (well d'uh) - Orioles 2nd round 50th overall
That was my very first pack pulled 1/1 ever and he isn't a bad prospect either. Amazing that the Red Sox 27th rounder, Indians 22nd rounder, and Yankees 11th rounder got in this set but the Rockies (among other teams) 3rd rounder didn't. But I'm used to it. Let other teams' collectors gather their 28th round picks, I'll save my money to buy the boxes to sell them said 28th rounder hehe. Jokes aside, I love this set and even though I have my complete set (and a Friedrich jersey on the way) I still may buy more boxes because they have a great price and great potential.
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