The other day, mon fils brings home a gargantuan bag of shelled walnuts and says, "Mom, we need to bake something with these."
"Why?" I ask.
"For school," he replies, "we're going to sell the cookies we bake and buy a guinea pig for our class."
'Cool,' I think. Then I ask, "Where did you get all these and who the heck shelled them because that was a big job?"
So he explains:
Outside the Biology teacher's classroom at school, there are five walnut trees.
The biology teacher picks all the walnuts and makes kids shell them in detention, ha!
Whilst said errant students crack nuts, the biology teacher strolls nonchalantly around the classroom nibbling on them exclaiming, "Mmm, boy, these sure are good!"
I love how these kids are being taught so many things in one fell swoop. I love how they reap the benefits of their hard work in detention by transforming Mother Nature's bounty into salable goodies to eat into a cute pet to take care of in the classroom.
Bravo, biology teacher!
Gros bisous des noix et cobayes et a demain!
Love, Charley
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