The more space I get, the better I write.
("Change Clothes" from The Black Album)
It's so important to have your own writing space. Set aside a certain place in your house, or even a local library or coffee shop, and only go there when you want to write. It will soon become a habit, and every time you sit down in that place, you'll be more focused. Make sure this place - wherever it is - has as little distractions as possible.
I break the rules so I don't care.
("Run This Town" from The Blueprint 3)
There are so many rules out there about how to write, when to write, why you should write, etc. Break some of them and see what happens.
We must not let outsiders violate our blocks,
and my plot.
and my plot.
("Hard Knock Life" from Vol 2... Hard Knock Life)
Chances are good that someone isn't going to like your writing. And that's okay. If someone offers criticism that you don't particularly agree with, then there's no rule saying you have to change your story. Outside feedback is good, but you need to learn how to deal with it effectively and not let it change the story you need to tell.
Whatever she lacks, I'm right over her shoulder.
When I'm off track, mami is keeping me focused.
When I'm off track, mami is keeping me focused.
("'03 Bonnie & Clyde" from The Blueprint 2: The Gift & the Curse)
Find someone to edit your work. Find a writing partner to hold you accountable. Someone else looking for grammar and typographical errors is crucial because you can only skim your manuscript so many times before it all becomes a blur. If you write with someone on a regular basis, or share excerpts and chapter outlines, you're more likely to write faster - and better.
If you don't like my lyrics, you can press fast forward.
("99 Problems" from The Black Album)
If you're stuck on a certain part of your manuscript, move on. Everyone writes bad scenes sometimes. You can always go back to it later when you're not as frustrated.
Now, watch this video. Feel inspired. Write. (Warning: the lyrics are explicit.)
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