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Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, 31 May 2011 | 00:01

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Douceur blanche du matin,
et gouttes de pluie ...
Le carré aux herbes ...
Moins romantique mais débarrassé de ses bambous ...
Un petit, tout petit aperçu ! Une vraie plaie !
La terre a été tournée, retournée, enrichie d'engrais, et quelques bricoles ont été replantées ...
C'est sûr, le carré va se remplir au gré de mes trouvailles et de mes envies, je vais essayer de lui restituer ce côté un peu échevelé qui était le sien ...



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Fleur de Saint-Joseph ...

Penulis : Unknown on Monday, 30 May 2011 | 00:49

Monday, 30 May 2011

... ou rose trémière ...
Comme un avant-goût d'Atlantique ...



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La fête des mères or Mother's Day!

Penulis : Unknown on Sunday, 29 May 2011 | 22:46

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Yesterday was la fête des mères in France. I was offered a delicious and enormous cafe au lait, which I rarely drink and therefore imbibed with great relish.

With that I was served my favorite pastry, choux à la crème, (see my blog) a thin and delicate pastry absolutely stuffed full of freshly whipped cream.

Zoe and I brought our fantastic breakfasts into the living room and proceeded to watch A Place in the Sun with Montgomery Clift, Elizabeth Taylor and Shelley Winters, an absolutely fabulous film to watch with one's daughter on Mother's Day with a belly full of whipped cream and coffee.

But my favorite part of la fête des mères was my present. 

Ten years ago, I took this photo of my kids imitating the two little lap dogs at my Aunt and Uncle's house: mon fils was four and ma fille was seven with a mouth full of no teeth!

This was my gift, ten years later:

How cute is that!!??

Alors, bonne fête des mères et a bientôt! 

Love, Charley

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The RETURN of the Budget eBay Collector for June

For the moment, I have put the Sunday Afternoon Blaster on hiatus.  It is somewhat for financial reasons, but mostly it is because my local Wal Mart has run out of interesting buys.  I will still occasionally buy a blaster here and there and maybe it a monthly feature or if I find a new location to purchase them it will  be back and stronger than ever. 

With the temporary departure of one longtime feature, I figured why not bring back another feature that has been on the shelf for a bit, the Budget eBay Collector.  For those of you new readers that have not seen The Budget eBay Collector before, here is the link to the description of this idea. 

I will be starting up again on June 1st, but not before I get some input from my loyal readers "i.e. you guys."  In the first edition, the only limitations I put on myself were no cards from the "overproduction era" of cards (1986-1993).  The second edition, I made it more difficult by limiting myself to only parallels, serially numbered cards, vintage (1975 and before), and hits.  I completed both successfully.

Now my question for you is, what will the terms of this month's buying adventure be?  Feel free to leave a comment with a suggestion or idea for me.  My first thought was to go with an all Hall of Famer attempt, but there are many routes I could go, such as all oddball cards or all non-baseball.  Let me know what you think and the more ideas the better.
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May Group Break Results from Thorzul Will Rule x 2

Penulis : Unknown on Friday, 27 May 2011 | 19:42

Friday, 27 May 2011

Thorzul will Rule

Boxes Busted in the first
2005 Fleer America's National Pastime
2006 Upper Deck Sweet Spot
2007 Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classics

Boxes Busted in the second
none (a cheapo mystery lot)

Along with Colbey, Thorzul's (Bill) break is one of two that I try to get into each and every month if financially possible.  This month, Bill had two different breaks going on.  The first (well second chronologically but first here) was his regular break with one team and one randomized team and a handful of mid-high end products.  The second was a cheapo break with only one team.  I snagged the Rox in both of course and my randomized team was the Diamondbacks which I desperately tried to trade before the break started.  Luckily (well somewhat luckily), I was unsuccessful.  Let's take a look at my new loot.

I didn't get a hit with the Rockies in the first break, but I did pick up some new base cards.  And for a team collector getting a few base cards you don't have is almost as good as getting a hit.  I like this design for some unexplainable reason.  I think my favorite part is the ghostly purple swoop above the solid purple swoop.

I was shut out on the 2007 box and this is the only card I got out the 2005 box other than one more below.  I like this design as well, but would like it even more without the silver logo that reminds me of mid 90s Donruss.

Here are the two DBacks I got from the 2006 box.  Snore, they are for trade.

My hit for the break was a buyback.  It surfaced in the 2005 National Pastime box and was a buyback from way back in 2001, precisely 4 years earlier.  I mean it is a nice jersey swatch of a complete jerk, but the only thing that stands it out as a buyback is the blue Sharpie numbering on the front.  What is stopping someone from just randomly labeling an old jersey with a numbering and calling it a rare buyback?   I think it is numbered to his jersey number, but it is for trade to any Schilling collectors out there.

Now we get to the meat of my break.  In my $8 lot I got not one but two autos.  The Chad Bettis is technically a USA jersey/auto, but he is in Colorado's system and Bill graciously included it in my pack.  I have two other Bettis autos already and this one fits real nicely with the others.  The Aneury Rodriguez auto is from 2008 Donruss Threads.  He was traded to the Rays for Jason Hammel in 2009 and is currently in the Astros bullpen.

For $8 getting those two autos would have made me happy, but I also got two serial numbered cards.  The Jeff Francis is the base card from 2007 Topps Triple Threads and is my first from that set.  The second card is a Barndon Durden blue chrome refractor from 2005 Bowman.  Durden was released druing Spring Training this year after making it to AAA and I don't believe he has caught on with anyone else.

Also in my lot was a pair of Xponentials from 2008 Upper Deck X, a set that is really starting to grow on me.  The Helton is an X2 and was needed.  The Holliday is an X3 and is a dupe and thus up for trade.  Let me know if you need it.

Everything else I got was a dupe, but I thought I would show them off in case you need them.
2010 A&G This Day in History Carlos Gonzalez
2010 Ticket to Toppstown Todd Helton

I also got the entire team set from last year's Topps 100, including my favorite player with him name misspelled on the front.  It is spelled correctly on the back, but for future reference it is spelled Friedrich NO SECOND E.  These are all duplicates as well and can be had in a deal.


Thorzul's breaks are usually either a home run or a groundout.  I have been lucky enough to hit a couple of homers with him.  The first break did not go so well even with the Schilling jersey and that had to do mostly with having two expansion teams and basically being shut out of one of the boxes.  But it was still fun.  The "el cheapo" break more than made up for it.  There is no way I could have gotten all of the cards I received for $8.  All in all I consider it a successful pair of breaks averaged out.
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Les bambous ont proliféré dans ce carré de jardin !
Plantés par mon mari, en souvenir de là-bas, leurs monstrueuses racines ont desséché, appauvri la terre ...
Les plantations s'étiolent, ne trouvent plus de place !
Il faut tout arracher et retourner la terre à la recherche de la moindre repousse ... donc pas d'autres moyens ... mais que celà me peine !!!
Adieu à mes sauges,
aux arbustes (je ne me souviens jamais de leur nom !),
aux bergénias, véroniques, menthe,
aux reines-marguerites,
au thym et à la verveine,
demain il ne restera plus rien ...
Adieu à mon beau et vieux rosier et aux roses magnifiques, si joliment ourlées qu'il m'offrait année après année !
Nous allons essayer de les replanter le mieux possible ailleurs ...
Les bambous sont des prédateurs !

Quant à mon petit carré aux herbes il ne devrait pas tarder à se repeupler joliment ... le temps de se refaire une santé !


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Barry Bonds: Not Such a Bad Guy After All?

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, 25 May 2011 | 11:00

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

I am torn because this man is the one name I said I would never write on this blog.  But after reading this story on Yahoo, I have a new found respect for Barry Bonds.  In case you haven't clicked to read, Bonds has offered to pay the future college tuition of the children of Bryan Stow.  Stow is the Giants fan that was nearly beaten to death earlier this year outside Dodger Stadium.  It is stories like this that make me appreciate my love of sports all the more.  Sure I may say I hate a player, but that is never the actual case...most of the time I just hate the uniform.  And honestly, Bonds acted and reacted like a jerk most of the time.

I am not going to suddenly become a Barry Bonds collector by any means, but I no longer have a problem typing his name on this blog.  Who knows, one day I may be comfortable typing the name of the jerk that played second base on the Giants with Bonds.  NAAAAA!
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Heure(s) bleue(s) d'un soir de mai ...

Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, 24 May 2011 | 23:21

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Hier soir, le bonheur d'une invitée surprise !
Bon appétit Zoé !
Tout simplement ...
Chutttttttttttt ... elle dort encore !
Normal, elle nous a offert toutes les figures du ballet aquatique !
Bravo ma petite sirène ...
Détails gourmands ...
Pour faire joli !
Dessert de saison ...
Un succès !


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Joy of a Completed Set - 2011 Topps Heritage

I got home from work today ad saw a thick yellow envelope in my box from Sportlots.  I knew.  My quest to complete 2011 Topps Heritage was complete.  Yes I am missing 5 New Age Performers and all of the gimmicks, but I have every card from 1 to 500, so it is a completed set.  Joy and hallelujah.

What was my final card you ask?

Now I may not be the first to complete it, but I am currently the happiest to complete it.  Now I just have to wait for the High Numbers Series to fully complete this set before the end of the year.

After yesterday's coolest card ever pulled and today's completed Heritage set, I just can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.
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Hobby Box Break - 2005 Topps Rookie Cup Edition (Coolest Card EVER Pulled)

Penulis : Unknown on Monday, 23 May 2011 | 17:30

Monday, 23 May 2011

Hey guys, I was searching eBay for decent ideas and prices on my next group break coming up in about a month when I happened upon a hobby box of 2005 Topps Rookie Cup for a semi-decent price.  I noted in my 2011 Mountains to Climb that I wanted to find a set from 1996-2005 to work on this year and I think this is it.  I have always like the scans I have seen of these cards, but in person the color really pops.  This is a beautiful set.

Since I am building the set, I won't bore you with a pack by pack breakdown and I'll just show you a small sampling.

The box promises two autos and 12 numbered parallels, but I got SO much more.

Base Set - 93/150
Doubles - 0
Autographs - 2
Numbered Parallels - 26!!! (more than one per pack)


As some of you know, I am a sucker for the colorful uniforms of the 1970s.  I really wish a few team would go back to them (especially the Astros).  I also chose to show the Chris Sabo from this set, because I had not seen many cards of him sans goggles.  He looks like he is as blind as Mr. Magoo (look it up, kids).  I forgot to scan the backs but they are solid gray (parallels are corresponding color) with the Rookie All Star year stats and full career stats.


Each pack also contained a reprint of a former member of the Rookie All Star Team.  They also included years that did not include the cup.  This is just a small sampling of the 48 I got.  Most were from the 1990s, but I got several from the 60s and 70s.  What I like is that not only did they include Hall of Famers like Rod Carew and fan favorites like Ron Santo, they also included guys that didn't really make much of an impact like former Indians manager Pat Corrales.


BLUE #'D TO 50

This is the only blue parallel I pulled from the box, but I did get a player I liked.  The blues are my favorite colored parallel.  It really pops in person.  It does suck that the best looking parallel is also the rarest because otherwise I might try to put together a blue set also.  I still might, but if they were the 499 ones I definitely would.

GREEN #'D TO 199
The greens are the next rarest and I got this nice Hall of Famer along with a few others.  Actually this card was made before Dawson was a Hall of Famer, but it still works.

Others I received
#84 Reggie Sanders
#101 Jason Kendall
#137 Rocco Baldelli

The yellow is probably the least appealing to the eye, but the backs look great in yellow.  This was Joe Torre before he sold his soul to the devil in the mid 90s.

Other yellows I received
#53 Brook Jacoby
#57 Vince Coleman
#76 Chuck Knoblauch
#122 Bengie Molina

It is always nice to pick up a numbered Pujols, because a lot of people collect him and prices soar on eBay (which I am currently suffering through with Tulowitzki). 

Other Oranges I received
#6 Jonny Gomes
#37 Chet Lemon
#68 Gary Sheffield
#101 Jason Kendall
#102 Billy Wagner
#130 C.C. Sabathia

RED #'D TO 499
Here is the 1975 Topps All Star Rookie catcher who has been in the news recently for his unfortunate health problems.  I always liked Carter as a player when he wasn't a Met and I hope he can make a full recovery from his current issues.

Other Reds I received
#3 Joe Torre
#21 Al Oliver
#122 Bengie Molina
#127 Adam Dunn
#138 Scott Podsednik
#139 Brandon Webb

I saw a single card box topper pack and honestly had no clue what could be in it, because there was no mention of it in any reading I had done on the set.  It turned out to be a chrome reprint of 1996 Topps Garret Anderson #'d 21/25.  Gawd, I love this set.

This is the first of two autos and they are also color paralleled with each color having 100 less than the base card parallels (except blue which is still 50).  There are 10 cards #151-160 that are comprised of 2005 1st round picks.  The only disappointment with this box is I did NOT get the best player of the group of 10, Troy Tulowitzki.  Jacob Marceaux topped out in 2009 in AA with the Marlins and later White Sox.  He last pitched in 2010 in the independent leagues and had an ERA over 9.00, so this card won't pay my mortgage.  But it still looks cool (even with the sticker auto).

Brandon Snyder is arguably the 3rd best auto from the 151-160 subset after Tulo and Yunel Escobar, which should tell you the quality of the others.  Snyder has made the majors though, so he has done more than me.  The only other player to have made the majors out of the group is current Rangers reliever Ryan Tucker.  I do seem to pull quite a few low numbered Orioles autos though since before today my only 1/1 pull was an Orioles prospect autograph.  Yes I said BEFORE today.

This would be the coolest card I have ever pulled.  This is a gold parallel reprint an original relic of 1965 Topps rookie catcher Mike Brumley from the second incarnation of the Senators (which later became the Rangers) That is an actual metal cup embedded in the card.  I was opening the pack and saw something thick and I knew there were no jerseys in this set, so I was befuddled.  I literally screamed like a little girl when I saw this card.  Sure it could have been a bigger name, but that is part of the fun of a set like this.  It is hard to see but right above the cup there is a gold 1/1 along with the 1/1 hologram on the back.

What do you think?  Is this one of the coolest relics ever or have I drank the Kool Aid?  I will try my best to find another box of this set because I want them all.  I LOVE THIS SET!!!!!
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