Yesterday was la fête des mères in France. I was offered a delicious and enormous cafe au lait, which I rarely drink and therefore imbibed with great relish.
With that I was served my favorite pastry, choux à la crème, (see my blog) a thin and delicate pastry absolutely stuffed full of freshly whipped cream.
Zoe and I brought our fantastic breakfasts into the living room and proceeded to watch A Place in the Sun with Montgomery Clift, Elizabeth Taylor and Shelley Winters, an absolutely fabulous film to watch with one's daughter on Mother's Day with a belly full of whipped cream and coffee.
But my favorite part of la fête des mères was my present.
Ten years ago, I took this photo of my kids imitating the two little lap dogs at my Aunt and Uncle's house: mon fils was four and ma fille was seven with a mouth full of no teeth!
This was my gift, ten years later:
How cute is that!!??
Alors, bonne fête des mères et a bientôt!
Love, Charley
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