I have ordered the boxes and am about 5 buys away from breaking even (including shipping costs) and anything over that allows for more cards for everyone.
$10 ($8 as a second team)
15, 11, 10, (Glaus RC, Salmon) Angels - The Angels in Order
12, 9, 10, (Biggio, Oswalt) Astros -
14, 10, 9, (Halladay, Delgado) Blue Jays - moremonkeys183 (Crinkly Wrappers)
16, 9, 11, (R.Johnson, Webb) Diamondbacks -
12, 17, 9, (Griffey, Ichiro) Mariners -
21, 11, 10, (Adrian Gonzalez, Beckett) Marlins -
15, 8, 9, (Markakis, Ripken) Orioles -Ryan H.
13, 11, 13, (Gwynn, Hoffman) Padres -
18, 11, 5, (Bay, A.Ramirez) Pirates -
17, 9, 7, (Boggs, Josh Hamilton) Rays -
20, 11, 11, (Guzman RC, Mauer) Twins -
12, 12, 10, (Ordonez RC, Lee RC) White Sox - Darren
$8 ($7 as a second team)
10, 6, 8, (Weeks RC, Sheets) Brewers - cynicalbuddha
17, 5, 7, (Vlad, Pavano) Expos -
11, 7, 8, (Teixeira, ARod) Rangers - Playattheplate
11, 8, 5, (Larkin, Griffey) Reds - Darren
12, 4, 13, (Beltran, Greinke) Royals - 12, 4, 6, (Carlos Pena, Young) Tigers -
Payment for all can be sent via Paypal GIFT ONLY to cardsfromthequarryATyahooDOTcom. All proceeds above cost will be used for additional packs and/or boxes.
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