I realize that I have done an awful lot of blogging with a macabre twist lately. My apologies, I am finishing up a haunted guide to France and have a bit of a one track mind. Here is a little artistic cleansing of the pallet for you....
I can't believe it took me this long to blog about Marc Chagall. One of my favorite Belarusian-French Jewish painters!
Marc Chagall (née Moishe Shagal) 1887 - 1985
To be honest, I am not quite sure whether I adore his work for its original surrealistic twist or because, when I was doing my stint at the Sorbonne Univeristy in Paris at the tender age of 19, I met and fell madly in love with a stunning Parisian of Argentinean descent who simultaneously introduced me to the Cure and Marc Chagall (we went to the George Pompidou Center for a massive exhibition--wow!). Hot, intellectual, cultured boyfriend vs cool artist??? Like a Pavlovian dog, I now have a conditioned reflex whenever I see a piece of work by Chagall ... great memories rise immediately into my conscious brain!
Oh, and, on an aside: the Pavlovian conditioning process was a major theme in Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New World. One of my favorite author's, one of my favorite books. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it.
Oh, and, on another aside: As I am busy querying a super cool, historical, French, nonfiction manuscript I just finished translating--entitled ADP: Secret of the Knights Templar (see my website)--I ran into a very intriguing and fabulous quote by Aldous Huxley's literary agent, the late Dorris Halsey:
"Let's be realistic and do the impossible!"
I love, love, love that. A motto to live by!
Bon, back to Monsieur Chagall. As I have blabbed on and on, you can click here to read all about his life and you can scroll down to see some of his fantastic, magical, inspiring thought-provoking work.
Les Maries de la Tour Eiffel
For some reason, I just adore this one
La Branche
He did many stained glass windows: for the Reims and Metz cathedrals, United Nations and Jerusalem windows in Israel.
Joli, n'est ce pas?
Gros bisous de l'art extraordinaire et a très bientôt!
Love, Charley
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