A weekly collection of literary links to enjoy with coffee on your Sunday morning/afternoon/evening.
The new cover for Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar promotes the book as "chick lit." [x]
"You don't need pills for depression - you need books." Britain's Department of Health has approved a list of mood-improving books for mild forms of mental health issues. [x]
Say goodbye to the iron, the newest Monopoly piece has been chosen. And it's a cat. Quirk Books lists what the new Monopoly pieces would be if chosen by literary characters. [x]
Bitch Magazine presents 100 YA books for the feminist reader. [x]
Bridget Jones is back! The third Bridget Jones novel is set to be released this November. [x]
A little Canadiana for everyone: Tim Hortons makes "The Priestley" doughnut after a joke made on How I Met Your Mother. [x]
A Songza playlist for my fellow bookworms: Literate Indie. [x]
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