Ross Geller is my favourite of the six main characters on Friends. He's a little kid at heart. He took a passion shared by many young children (dinosaurs!) and turned it into a career. He exudes intelligence simply because he can call himself a doctor. Yet placed in any situation that doesn't involve rambling about historical facts, Ross turns to panic.
He has subtle sarcastic humour (he's not as over-the-top as Chandler) that always makes me laugh. He may not be the comedic relief of the show (Joey), but his intelligent jokes are the ones that bring me back to Friends time and time again.
The character has been through so many difficult situations, even if the show does take them lightly, and Ross continuously strives to be better. (You can only fail at marriage so many times, right?) He's always trying to make the people around him happy. He cares for his sister, he's always there for his friends, he tries to be the best father possible, and his love for Rachel is a romance that will last through generations.
He may not seem like a strong character compared to the other dominating personalities on the show, but I think we all have a lot to learn from Ross Geller. Be smart. Follow your dreams. Never give up. Love the best that you can.
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