For the second link-up of Preview to Summer: A Blogger Book Swap, I'm linking up with Serena from Spillerena and talking about the five books I think every woman should read. I had trouble choosing these books because I don't like to categorize books as being specifically for women or for men. I actually get pretty upset around Christmas time when there are "men" and "women" tables in the bookstores. I've chosen five books that I think are important for growing up, finding yourself, and trying to figure out life - whether you identify as a woman or a man.

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath: This book is incredible. Plath explores the main character's breakdown in a way that makes her insanity quite rational. I think everyone can relate to Esther's emotions and it's this connection that scares us. Are we insane too? Are our rational actions not actually all that rational?
Lives of Girls and Women by Alice Munro: A coming-of-age story about a girl growing up in 1940's Ontario. We see the main character's relationships and reactions to the people in her small town and it forces us to consider our own childhoods - what we did and who we knew - and how they have shaped us into who we are now.
The Awakening by Kate Chopin: This book is a cornerstone for feminist literature. The main character struggles with social constraints and how abiding by what is expected holds her back from what she really wants. While the novel focuses on the crisis of gender in the Victorian era, it carries an important sentiment for anyone who feels marginalized, whatever the cause.
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard: Sort of an unconventional choice, Dillard writes down her observations and thoughts while spending time outside in her neighbourhood. The honesty and simplicity of the book makes it clear that nature is a vital part of our lives - even if we often overlook it. It's a necessary read for people who need to get back in touch with the simple things. It reminds us to slow down and enjoy our surroundings.
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk: The perfect book for anyone who has ever been angry with the cards they've been dealt. There are pages upon pages of quotations that speak to the heart of anyone who thinks that life isn't fair, who is unhappy with the direction life is going. You can change things, but you have to do it now - I just don't think starting an underground fight club is the solution.
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