Lookbook.nu premiered an original digital series yesterday, all about the world of fashion blogging. The "digital series" genre has become increasingly popular as of late. Examples: I've already mentioned Buffering a few times on this blog, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries is a giant hit, and, of course, anything produced by Felicia Day's channel Geek and Sundry.
Lookbook: The Series is interesting because it's directly tied in to the already popular website, using the show as a marketing tool for not only the Lookbook "brand" but also the many fashion sponsors who have no doubt paid good money to have products shown on upcoming episodes.
Lookbook is adding a new dimension to fashion, using it as a background to tell a unique story. I love seeing where people draw inspiration from for storytelling and fashion is an interest shared by a lot of people.
I think it's important for bloggers to see how this corner of the web is changing. Sure, Lookbook.nu has a really big platform, but it's important for blogs to produce creative, original content in order to survive in an ocean of similar fish.
Also, the incredible Kimberly Whalen plays a vindictive b*tch (that's probably being polite, to be honest) and she steals the show. You will instantly hate her and love her at the same time. She's the gorgeous redhead (not that you'll have any trouble figuring out the villain).
Watch the first episode below (it's only nine minutes long) and let me know what you think!
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