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Querying: A Book Series

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, 28 November 2013 | 08:30

How to Query a Book Series | I Believe in Story

I've had quite a few writers ask me how to query a book series. Thankfully, writing a query for a book series follows the same guidelines as writing a query for a single book. If you already know the basic formula for query letters then you already know how to pitch your book series to agents. This is because you should never include more than one book in your query letter, whether these books are from the same series or not.

  • It's okay to write a book series.  Writers often create a series because they have too many ideas for one book. Sometimes there will be characters who compel you to continue their story - and this is perfectly fine. A well organized and outlined series is better than a 200,000 word debut novel. If you think your story idea is meant to be a series, then you should absolutely write the books as you see them. Begin with Book #1 (you don't have to complete the entire series before querying agents) and see where it takes you.

  • Your query needs to focus on one book.  Just like writers who are querying an individual novel, your query needs to focus on one manuscript only - even if you plan to develop it into a book series. For this reason, Book #1 in your series needs to stand alone. It needs a clear beginning, middle, and end. If readers don't respond well to the first book in a series, then the second book isn't going to hit the shelves. You want Book #1 to be a fully developed story with a satisfying end. Write your query as a pitch for a single book. Describe the characters and plot of Book #1 and leave it at that.

  • Simply state that your book has series potential This one sentence is all that's necessary to include in your query. If an agent is interested in Book #1 (which you have now successfully pitched in your query letter) then he/she will ask you about your plans for the series. 

Agents receive a crazy number of queries every week. It's best to keep your query short and to the point. By focusing on one book, you can perfect your query to make it intriguing and make sure it includes all the necessary details. Sending a query for more than one book isn't helpful for you or the agent. Take it one book at a time.
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