Alfred Louis Charles de Musset-Pathay (1810 - 1857)
French novelist, poet and dramatist most famous for his autobiography La Confession d'un enfant du siècle, or The Confession of a Child of the Century in which he tells the tale of his celebrated and tortured love affair with author George Sand.
Gerorge Sand, one of my all time favorite French authors (see my blog). She didn't miss her opportunity to write about their love affair from her point of view in Elle et lui, or Her and him.
Or, as I prefer her, dressed as a gentleman giving her the freedom to frequent men's smoking lounges and hang out with the boys.
Back to Monsieur de Musset...
He was born into an upper class family, as is obvious from his name, but one with little means. His father worked in government, his mother was heralded as a great society hostess. This left a lasting impression upon the young Alfred, he became fond of acting out scenes from romance novels he had read.
Alfred de Musset became one of the first Romantic writers with a collection of poems entitled Contes d'Espagne et d'Italie. His success grew as did his reputation for begin a dandy.
In 1845, de Musset received the Légion d'honneur along with Balzac. Seven years later, he was elected to the Académie Française.
A bit of naughty boy, he is also believed to have been the author of a lesbian erotic novel entitled Gamini, or Two Nights of Excess, believed to have been modeled after George Sand. Musset passed away at the age of 47 from alcoholism and heart problems.
Bon, if you haven't seen the movie I constantly mention in my blogs, Impromptu, then you really have missed out. Watch it, please!!
1991 film Impromptu with the fabulous Mandy Patinkin starring as Alfred de Musset (yes, the one guzzling wine, shouting dramatically, riding a horse into the house and dueling with Hugh Grant!)
Now, the big news is that French Director Sylvie Verheyde, known for her 2008 film Stella, is currently filming a rather interesting new project after Musset's autobiography Confessions of a Child of the Century starring--are you sitting down?--Pete Doherty as Alfred de Musset and Charlotte Gainsbourg as Brigitte a woman who succumbs to his love, is betrayed and then herself betrays another.
They were recently filming in Bourg-en-Bresse, about 45 minute from Lyon. Here are a few stills.
Looking good! I am kind of digging it! At any rate, I am very intrigued. Bully for Pete Doherty, can't wait to see what he can give us on the big screen.
I shall leave with two quotes from Alfred de Musset: "Great artists have no country" and "With a kiss let us set out for an unknown world".
Bon, gros bisous de littérature et du cinema et a demain!
Love, Charley
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