Saint-Malo, a gorgeous fortified island at the mouth of the Rance River along the coast of Brittany, France. Here we are at low tide galavanting amongst the rocks with the medieval walled city in the background.
In the 6th century, Saint Aaron and Saint Brendan began a monastery on this rocky island. Later, it was named after a follower of Saint Brendan, Saint Malo.
From the beginning its inhabitants were fiercely independent, often asserting their autonomy from the French authorities. It became famous as being the home to the Corsairs or Pirates. These Corsairs demanded payment for passage up the River Rance as well as pilfering offshore vessels.
A pirate ship.
The walls of the city are impressive to say the least. Massively high and thick, you can walk around the entire walled city on them.
You can pop down for lunch, dinner or apéritif in one the numerous brasseries.
Saint Malo has the highest concentration of seafood restaurants in Europe. I had a choucroute de la mer our first night here (sauerkraut and seafood), it was insanely delicious!! I was so hungry and it was so good, I forgot to take a photo.
Saint Malo is the birthplace of famous author Chateaubriand. You can count on me writing more about him in the next few days.
Also the birthplace of Jacques Cartier who famously discovered Canada, as he sailed up the Lawrence River and visited what would become Quebec City and Montreal.
Saint Malo was occupied by German forces during WWII. They used it as a stronghold and a place from which to bombard England. Unfortunately the British had to viciously bomb the walled city to oust the Germans causing extensive damage. The inhabitants have lovingly rebuilt over the years; today it is magnificent.
From the beach at low tide. High tide comes in fast and ferocious, it is dangerous to linger on the beach.
There were thousands of jellyfish in the port!
Wouldn't want to swim there!!
Bon, an excellent, magical place for a relaxing weekend with the freshest seafood imaginable.
Gros bisous des pirates et a demain!
Love, Charley
p.s. Stay tuned, loads and loads of creepy stories coming up as we continue our weeklong ghost hunt!!
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