When a savage creature known only as the Adversary conquered the fabled lands of legends and fairy tales, all of the infamous inhabitants of folklore were forced into exile. Disguised among the normal citizens of modern-day New York, these magical characters have created their own peaceful and secret society within an exclusive luxury apartment building called Fabletown. But when Snow White's party-girl sister, Rose Red, is apparently murdered, it is up to Fabletown's sheriff, a reformed and pardoned Big Bad Wolf (Bigby Wolf), to determine if the killer is Bluebeard, Rose's ex-lover and notorious wife killer, or Jack, her current live-in boyfriend and former beanstalk-climber.
I've been reading the Fables series for a couple of years now (I'm late to the series and I've been slowly making my way through the volumes - I was too late to buy the individual comics and I'm one of those people who needs to have a complete collection). I recently finished the 15th volume, Rose Red, and I loved it so much that I decided it was time to share the series with those of you who haven't read it before.
If you've never read comics or graphic novels before, this is the perfect series to start with. Especially if you like fairy tales. Willingham's series weaves fairy tale life into modern day New York and gives a realistic backstory to all of your favourite childhood characters. You'll love some and really hate others (seriously, Prince Charming is a smarmy bastard).
Every volume in this series has been a great read. The most recent volume I read focused on the backstory of Snow White and Rose Red. I generally like the issues that explain the history of the fairy tale characters (I'm a big fan of folklore), but the "modern day" events are equally as compelling.
I highly recommend giving this series a try. Reading the first volume won't take any time at all and you may just get yourself hooked. It's a necessary read for all children at heart who want to explore adult issues. Warning: this series is not for children.
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