While meandering in an I've-been-working-too-darn-hard-and-don't-know-how-to-be-on-vacation daze, I discovered an amazing modern art gallery. The space was white washed walls with polished cement floors.
This is a plaster torso surrounded by thousands of real feathers.
Bette Davis Eyes?
My personal favorite
There was an amazing piece that was constructed of hundreds of small square mirrors with a camera lens in the middle. When the camera lens detected movement, all of the mirrors moved with you. I captured it on film and will try and make a movie for you.
This next piece disturbed me greatly. The dog and cat were facing one another and I believe that they were real. I took this to be an anti-fur statement - these are animals too, just like mink etc.
Alright, off to more adventures!!
Gros bisous et a demain.
Love, Charley
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