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Teams Remaining in the May Quarry Group Break...Blue Jays, Orioles, Reds, + more

Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, 30 April 2011 | 10:41

Saturday, 30 April 2011

A couple of days ago I announced the Quarry's first group break, details can be found here.  A lot of good teams have been snagged already,  but there are still some premium teams available.  Here they are separated by division.

Cost is $11 for one team and $9 for each additional team.  Payment can be sent via Paypal gift to cardsfromthequarryATyahooDOTcom.

Boxes busted will be
1998 Bowman Series 1 and Series 2
2003 Bazooka
2004 Bazooka

Come on out and join in the fun.  Claim teams by commenting here or on the original post.

Orioles -
Blue Jays  -
Rays -

Royals -
Twins -
Tigers -
White Sox -

Rangers -
Angels -
Mariners -

Nationals/Expos -
Marlins -

Reds -
Astros -
Brewers -
Pirates -

Padres -
Diamondbacks -
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The First Group Break Announcement Here at the Quarry

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, 28 April 2011 | 11:49

Thursday, 28 April 2011

I was planning on announcing the 3rd edition of The Budget eBay Collector today.  It has been postponed (not canceled I will be doing it in June) due to a better idea.  I have decided to do the first ever group break here at the Quarry in May.  As I have stated, I love them and I think we could have a fun and inexpensive one here.  If this works well, for me and for you, it might become a monthly or bi-monthly event.

One slight problem, I have no video capability currently (and for the foreseeable future), so all breaks will be purely text and scans.  I will type every single player and team that is pulled from a pack regardless of whether that team was purchased.  If you have read my Sunday Afternoon Blaster series you know my set up by now.  This will be the same set up.

What I plan to break

1998 Bowman Series 1 - 24 packs, 10 cards per...key rookies of Troy Glaus, Mike Lowell, Jimmy Rollins, Magglio Ordonez, Orlando Hernandez (autos possible but not probable), several inserts and parallels

1998 Bowman Series 2 - 24 packs, 10 cards per...key rookies of Carlos Lee, Cristian Guzman, Randy Wolf + a majority of the stars (autos possible, again not probable), several inserts and parallels

2003 Topps Bazooka - 24 packs, 8 cards per...key rookie of Kevin Youkilis, two parallels per pack, three guaranteed HITS per box (and they look cool).

2004 Topps Bazooka - 24 packs, 8 cards per...key rookies of Dioner Navarro, Yadier Molina, two parallels per pack, three guaranteed HITS per box, several fun inserts per box

What will it cost
It is looking like $11 per team...$9 for each additional team.  I will not keep any excess money and will add bonus packs (at least, possibly another box) if enough teams are sold.  So any advertising on your site to increase my buys will get you more cards in the big picture.  Pay via Paypal (gift ONLY PLEASE) to cardsfromthequarryATyahooDOTcom.  I set up the new account just for group breaks, so that way I will know exactly how much is left to purchase more cards.

What is Available

Yankees - BABenny (pd)
Red Sox - Dawgbones (pd)
Orioles - Ryan H. (pd)
Blue Jays  - moremonkeys183 (pd)
Rays -

Indians - Jason (pd)
Royals -
Twins - Play at the Plate (pd)
Tigers -
White Sox - Darren (pd)

Athletics - Nathan (pd)
Rangers - Playattheplate (pd)
Angels - The Angels in Order (pd)
Mariners -

Braves - Colbey (pd)
Mets - BABenny (pd)
Phillies - Dawgbones (pd)
Nationals/Expos -
Marlins -

Reds - Darren (pd)
Astros -
Cardinals - Ryan G. (pd)
Brewers - cynicalbuddha (pd)
Cubs - Matt Pederson (pd)
Pirates -

Rockies - hiflew (host)
Dodgers - Spiegel (pd)
Giants - Ryan G. (pd)
Padres - Jon from Community Gum (pd)
Diamondbacks -

I hope this is a successful break because I would love to do some type of break at least bi-monthly.
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Au jardin, ce matin ...

Blotti au creux des noisetiers, le banc, confident des petits et des grands !
Le ciel est gris, le temps incertain, mais le vieux rosier a refleuri,
ses fleurs aux pétales de pluie sont toujours aussi belles.
Figuier et prunier s'entrecroisent,
tout à côté de la cabane des enfants ...
Que se cache-t-il derrière le mur ?
Ma réserve à confitures !!!

Qui va regarder le mariage anglais à la télé ?

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April Group Break Results from Thorzul will Rule...SERIOUS REDEMPTION

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, 27 April 2011 | 12:19

Wednesday, 27 April 2011


Thorzul Will Rule

Boxes broken
2003 Donruss Elite
2005 Topps Retired Signature Edition

As I said in the past, I LOVE group breaks, so I decided to create a nice little form for posting the results.  After last month's poor results from Thorzul's break I had three options.  One, slink away with my tail between my legs...not even really considered.  Two, buy the Rockies and hope for the best...considered.  Three, buy the best team available and trade for the Rox as my second team.  I decided on option three and double secret option four.  We'll start with option three, the Mets were available so I popped hoping someone would trade me the randomized Rockies later.  Double secret option four was to double down and purchase a second group of two teams.  After some research on the boxes being broken I chose the Royals hoping for a nice George Brett.  I was randomized the Pirates and Tigers and flipped (luckily as it turned out) the Tigers to Ryan G. for the Rox (that have 0 cards in the 2005 set, so an easy trade).

So my teams for the break ended up being (with projected rankings)
1. Mets
2. Royals
3. Rockies
4. Pirates

That was the order I expected the loot to shake out...Oh how wrong I was!  Because what followed is my greatest group break victory EVER. (which you can see later)  heehee

I will start with the team that finished 4th in my final rankings, my Rockies


I picked up 5 Rockies out of the Elite box and 0 from the other which was no surprise as mentioned earlier.  These cards are really good looking, but you just about need to wear white gloves when handling them to avoid fingerprints.  I  got every Rockie from this set now minus two short print rookies of Jeff Baker and Garrett Atkins. I got the 4 needed cards (Jennings is the dupe) to finish the base team set for my Rockies and they still finished 4th.  Are you starting to realize how great this break was for me?


I only got two Royals in both boxes combined, one from each...Let's take a look.

 Eh, nothing special here, so how did this team beat the Rox?

This is how.  A George Brett gold parallel #'d 166/500.  Not the $150 Brett autograph I was hoping would pop from the box when I chose the Royals, but very nice nonetheless.  I am not a book value junkie by any means, but for this I will share what my 2007 SCD says the cards are worth.  This Brett books for somewhere between $6-$12.  Not too shabby.


I got very little from the Mets in the 2005 box (1 base card), but I killed the 2003 box with them.  Let's look.

 I am only showing one of the 3 Met base cards I got.  I also got Roberto Alomar and Al Leiter.  This is around Glavine's first ever Met card in uniform (odd that they had Jose Hernandez in his Brewer uniform, but they got a Glavine in spring training pic).  The base card I got from the 2005 box was of manager Davey Johnson, like I said very little.  But let's check out the serious 2003 mojo that some of you traders may go apeshit with your offers over.

A Hideo Nomo Throwback Threads jersey patch #009/250.  And what a patch it is!  The thing I loved about older Donruss (and some Fleer) relics was the picture of the actual item cut up on the back of the card.  This 4 color patch (a little blue in the extreme right) appears to be taken from the name possibly between the N and O.  This card help me forget that with the Mets in this break I got cards of both pitchers to ever no hit the Rockies, Nomo and Leiter.  Hmm, well I didn't forget it, but I am okay with it.  In case you are curious, 2007 SCD books this card at $20.

That brings us to one of the biggest surprises of my group break career, a cool Pirates card (make that 3 cool Pirates cards).


Yep, Aramis Ramirez used to be a Pirate, before the Cubs absolutely stole him (and Kenny Lofton) at the 2003 trading deadline for I think a bag of balls.  Actually they were traded for Jose Hernandez (seen above) who the Rockies had dumped on the Cubs earlier in that summer.  I also got Kenny Lofton and Josh Fogg from this set.

Sweet, my first Roberto Clemente card that I remember owning.  Strike that, I had the 1982 K Mart reprint, but this is my first non-reprint of Clemente.  I have always loved the Pirates color scheme and it works well on this card design.  How good is this that my first Clemente card is only the 3rd best Pirates card received?  SCD book value $4.

A gold version of the only early 90s Pirate that I did not despise and the Pirate colors really work well against the gold background.  I was a fan of Van Slyke in his early time with the Cardinals as well.  This card is numbered 177/500 and being a collector from the mid 80's I think this might be the 500th Van Slyke card I have owned at one time or another, but it really brings back some good memories which ups its value to me.  SCD book value $2-$4.


TAADAAA!!!!  How great is that card! An uncirculated, on-card autograph of Bill Mazeroski, hero of the 1960 World Series defeating the damn Yankees.  This card is not numbered, but I don't care.  There could be 8 billion of these floating around and I would still be happy, well maybe not 8 billion but you get the idea.  For 33 years he was the only person that won the World Series with a walk off home run (I hate that ESPN term, but it works here) and now I have his autograph.  When I watched the video break I didn't stop smiling the rest of the day.  I would like to formally apologize to all the other participants in this break for hogging all the best cards, but my loot sucked last month so maybe it will turn around for you next time.  BTW, in case you are curious the SCD book value on this card is $45, but it's worth more than that to me.

Thank you to Thorzul for hosting this break and I see absolutely no reason to not join you next time.  I spent $42 bucks on both slots and got around double my money's worth in cards, not a bad investment indeed.  I just about know for a fact I couldn't have gotten all of these cards on eBay or from a shop for $42, so I am just thrilled and I also apologize to the next group break (Sorry, Jon) I post because it couldn't possibly live up to this one (it's like being the guy that took over at UCLA for Wooden).
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Saint-Malo, a gorgeous fortified island at the mouth of the Rance River along the coast of Brittany, France. Here we are at low tide galavanting amongst the rocks with the medieval walled city in the background. 

In the 6th century, Saint Aaron and Saint Brendan began a monastery on this rocky island. Later, it was named after a follower of Saint Brendan, Saint Malo.

From the beginning its inhabitants were fiercely independent, often asserting their autonomy from the French authorities. It became famous as being the home to the Corsairs or Pirates. These Corsairs demanded payment for passage up the River Rance as well as pilfering offshore vessels. 

A pirate ship.

The walls of the city are impressive to say the least. Massively high and thick, you can walk around the entire walled city on them. 

You can pop down for lunch, dinner or apéritif in one the numerous brasseries.

Saint Malo has the highest concentration of seafood restaurants in Europe. I had a choucroute de la mer our first night here (sauerkraut and seafood), it was insanely delicious!! I was so hungry and it was so good, I forgot to take a photo.

Saint Malo is the birthplace of famous author Chateaubriand. You can count on me writing more about him in the next few days.

Also the birthplace of Jacques Cartier who famously discovered Canada, as he sailed up the Lawrence River and visited what would become Quebec City and Montreal. 

Saint Malo was occupied by German forces during WWII. They used it as a stronghold and a place from which to bombard England. Unfortunately the British had to viciously bomb the walled city to oust the Germans causing extensive damage. The inhabitants have lovingly rebuilt over the years; today it is magnificent.  

From the beach at low tide. High tide comes in fast and ferocious, it is dangerous to linger on the beach. 

There were thousands of jellyfish in the port!

Wouldn't want to swim there!!

Bon, an excellent, magical place for a relaxing weekend with the freshest seafood imaginable.

Gros bisous des pirates et a demain!

Love, Charley

p.s. Stay tuned, loads and loads of creepy stories coming up as we continue our weeklong ghost hunt!!

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RTP #34 - Special Guest Darren from Potch Wheeler and the Cardboard Heroes

Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, 26 April 2011 | 14:38

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Welcome to the latest edition of The Rockie Trading Post.  Tonight's special guest is Darren from the creatively named blog Potch Wheeler and the Cardboard Heroes.  If you haven't met Darren, he collects cards of the Reds, Tigers, and Cubs along with having several sets working.  Darren contacted me about a Heritage trade and since most of you know my immense love for this year's set it was a go.  This is actually a two for one deal because since I am behind, Darren and I completed a second trade before I posted the first.  Here is his post on what I sent him for the first trade and what I received is right below.

Leading off this trade is a 2011 Topps diamond parallel of Ubaldo Jimenez.  This gives me 5 Rockies diamonds now.  The oddest about this card is it is the only Rockies base card I am missing at the moment.  So for now it will taunt me slightly.

Our Todd Helton card of the day is this 1999 Topps Stars Two Star parallel.  I don't know a lot about this set, but I believe the base card is a normal shot and one star is a little bit closer shot up to the four star extreme close up shot.  Rockies are only up to two star cards and I now have 2 of the 3.  Curtis Leskanic is a former Rockie reliever from 1994 Topps, back when non-closing relief pitchers were included in card sets.  I miss 792 card sets with even obscure MAJOR LEAGUERS getting cards.  Now we get 660 and 100 of that is combos or minor league prospects or 2 Stephen Strasburg cards in a 330 card set.  Rafael Betancourt (and others) deserves a card too, Topps.

We'll begin the Heritage portion of this trade with the zombie formerly known as Aaron Harang.  Seriously, that dude looks like he never leaves the house.  How does a baseball player, that literally plays outside for 4 hours at a time, not have at least a slight tan?  I'm sure he is a nice guy and all, but that is a seriously bad photo.  I blame the Padres.

The beard patrol comes up next.  Am I the only one that thinks Jayson Werth is the next Gary Matthews Jr.?  Parlaying a career year into a HUGE free agent contract.  Eh, he might be Adrian Beltre also, sucking for the entirety of the contract except the last year so you can a big contract again.

Here is another trio from Heritage that upon first sight have nothing in common.  Further review proves that these three have nothing in common.  I was grouping the pics and these were the leftovers.  I do like the Adam Jones classic baseball card posed shot though.  It proves you don't have to have amazing action shots or anything else in order to have a great card.

This pair of hatless wonders I just wanted to write about.  I'll start with the oxymoronically (yes, I know it's not a word) named Angel Pagan.  That's a name worthy of the Hall of Fame.  Secondly, I wanted to comment about Dan Uggla.  He looks like a 10 year old bully in that photo.  Then again, maybe I am just remembering my bully from when I was ten, but either way that is a weird haircut for a grown man.

Ubaldo leads off the second trade as well.  This is the black bordered parallel from Heritage, which basically ruins the appeal of the set which is the wood border.  These were just parallels for the Chromes and not the entire set.  Honestly, I think they look much better on scan than in person and I will only be looking for the other three Rockies in the black border.  Perhaps if they had gone with a mahogany or cherry wood rather than black, it would have looked a lot better.

Darren also included two other needed Rox in the second trade.  It is always nice to knock another 2009 O Pee Chee black border parallel off the want list.  Now seems to be the perfect day to showcase Jeff Baker because he played well against the Rockies in the game last night.  Luckily Starlin Castro forgot how to field for an inning and Colorado won the game AND increased their division lead over Broxton and the Dodgers.  Hee hee.

Thanks again Darren for the trades.  Make sure you check out his blog here and trade with him.  He seems like a real stand up guy.  Well that just about wraps up another edition of The Rockie Trading Post.  Tune in next time to find out the (final?) destination of my first pack-pulled 1/1 with a visit from an Orioles collector.  Until then, we are officially signed off.
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Semaine pascale ...

Pendant cette semaine il y eut :
un joli dimanche de Pâques,
Une petite touche tendre et naïve,
un exquis bouquet du jardin de J.,
sur une table gaie couleur soleil (vaisselle de famille),
des gestes d'amitié qui font chaud au coeur ...
Merci Fleurette, tu es un ange ...
Des iris en cascade ...
Un peu de pluie ...
Eclos ce matin ...
Et aussi ... préparer l'été ...
Remise en forme et en eau pour le plaisir de barboter ... un peu plus tard,
rendre très souvent visite à ma maman,
partir en chine le coeur battant,
passer tout de même sur les blogs amis (de temps en temps seulement mais ...),
chambouler ma maison qui se transforme au gré de l'envie et des meubles de famille,
etc ... etc ... etc ...



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