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Short Stories

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, 31 January 2013 | 06:50

Thursday, 31 January 2013

I stumbled upon The Book Chat last week and I've been anxiously waiting for Thursday to come around again! Not only does it give me another excuse to talk about books, but I love reading through everyone's linked up posts to get some amazing book recommendations.

I couldn't be more excited about this week's topic: short stories.

I have always adored short stories. Back in high school, I preferred studying them to any novel. When I was completing my undergraduate degree in English literature, I always had a collection of short stories on the go for "personal" reading (it was much easier to squeeze in the time to read a story than yet another novel on top of all the books I had to read for class). As a student teacher, I developed and taught an entire unit on short stories. That's how much I love them. Finding an incredible short story collection is a dream come true.

If I'm not careful, I could go on and on and on about my favourite collections of short stories. Instead, I'll simply list my favourites in case you're looking for some recommendations:

The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter.
Stones by Timothy Findley.
We So Seldom Look On Love by Barbara Gowdy.
Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures by Vincent Lam.
Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson.

I also love edited collections of short stories. I have one called Happily Ever After that is filled with modernized retellings of fairy tales and I have many collections of classic ghost stories (that I highly recommend reading).

Personally, I think short stories are glanced over far too often in the literary world. There can be so much magic found in a short story and they need to be given a little more attention.
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Daily Book Graphics #1288

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, 30 January 2013 | 17:24

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

©1970 / Design: Alan Spain
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On the Shelf: The Fault in Our Stars

Book Review: The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | I Believe in Story

Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten.

I finally gave in to the immense social pressure and read a John Green novel. I didn't like it (please don't hit me). I know that Green is practically worshipped in the YA community, and I certainly understand why, but The Fault In Our Stars was not for me.

The dialogue was a major barrier for my enjoyment. At first I was entertained by the dialogue because it reminded me of an episode of Dawson's Creek. Unfortunately, the thesaurus talk really didn't work as well on print as it did on the screen. Teenagers don't talk like that. Hell, adults don't talk like that.

I'm not sure I'm the right person to appreciate the novel's level of sentimentality. I'm not saying I don't have a heart, but my concept of love - especially in literature - is found in much more obscure places. I had a hard time feeling for the characters, which seems absurd since this book is filled with reasons to sympathize.

John Green is clearly talented. I haven't given up on him completely as I have another one of his books waiting on my to-be-read bookshelf (yes, an entire bookshelf, albeit a small one). However, don't let my negative rating put you off. If you haven't read The Fault In Our Stars yet, you really should. I can't think of another person who didn't love the book (I'm truthfully the odd one out) and the book is a cornerstone of change in the literary world, directing the industry into a new direction ("Young Adult" is the shit, in case you didn't know).

“Books so special and rare and yours that advertising your affection feels like a betrayal.”
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Literary Fashion: Nancy Drew

Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, 29 January 2013 | 04:00

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Fashion inspired by the Nancy Drew series by Carolyn Keene.
{3} "Tour de Finance" by Essie   {4} Olive & Oak Sheer Chiffon Blouse
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Daily Book Graphics #1287

Penulis : Unknown on Monday, 28 January 2013 | 21:45

Monday, 28 January 2013

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Dimanche ...

Très peu d'exposants en ce dimanche au vide-greniers de Saint-Joseph, mais tout de même quelques jolis stands ...
Je m'y suis arrêtée ... et j'ai trouvé quelques bricoles ...



Pas de quoi remplir une brouette mais le peu trouvé m'a fait plaisir !
Une jolie dame 1900 ...
Deux bols fleuris ...
Une douce Madone en prière ...

Hier en fin de matinée, malgré tous nos soins et notre affection, la petite chatte angora s'est endormie ...
C'était une petite chatte sauvage si jolie ...

Alors un peu de brocante et surtout aller voir notre Pénélope chérie,       à Nice nous a fait le plus grand bien ...

Très belle semaine

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Daily Book Graphics #1286

Penulis : Unknown on Sunday, 27 January 2013 | 15:35

Sunday, 27 January 2013

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Character Study: Jess Day

Character Study: Jess Day | I Believe in Story

Jess Day has to be the quirkiest character to ever be on television. But it works. Jess is the role model of geeky girls everywhere. She is certainly strange and has some incredibly annoying habits (like turning every phrase that goes through her head into a song). The thing is, Jess doesn't care. She knows who she is and she's not afraid to show it.

New Girl started off with Jess Day going through a tough time, dealing with a break-up from her long-term boyfriend. However, rather than remaining mopey forever, Jess allows herself to try new things, to be herself, to make every day a positive one. It's a lesson we can all learn - remaining positive will make things easier.

Jess is also oddly charming. She may have flaws, but he doesn't act like it. She embraces her thick bangs, the bold glasses, the bright prints because she has confidence. If there's one thing to take away from Jess Day, it's to believe in yourself - always - and to spend each waking moment celebrating the uniqueness of you.
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The Sunday News (01.27)

A weekly collection of literary links to enjoy with coffee on your Sunday morning/afternoon/evening.

A strange return to your childhood in this digital world: Choose Your Own Adventure Books are now available on the iPad. [x]

The Great Tumblr Book Search is back! Your funny Tumblr blog could win a publishing deal from Chronicle Books. [x]

Prada's design sketches for The Great Gastby are incredible. [x]

Yesterday was Human Library Day in cities across Canada. Would you ever "check out" a person? [x]

You don't want to miss Charley Harper's illustrations in The Giant Golden Book of Biology (1961). Who knew a science book could be so colourful? [x]
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Daily Book Graphics #1285

Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, 26 January 2013 | 15:32

Saturday, 26 January 2013

©1970 / Design: Paul Bacon
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Your Stories #2: Gone Girl

YOUR STORIES discovers the books that are important to you. These articles tell the stories of favourited books and their readers. If you're interested in being interviewed for a future YOUR STORIES feature, please email me at hello[at]ibelieveinstory[dot]com.


When did you first read Gone Girl?

I'd already read and fallen in love with Flynn's other novels, Sharp Objects and Dark Places. They are part of the group of a few novels I enjoy reading over and over. So, I was looking forward to Gone Girl's release. I read it the day after it came to my door (pre-ordered on Amazon, best thing ever).

Why is it your favourite book?

Gone Girl is one of those thrillers that really leaves you guessing. Unlikable, unreliable narrators, a murder (or is there?), and a surprise at every turn of the page. What's not to like? I watch crime dramas almost obsessively and try to predict the outcome. I do the same with thrillers. While reading Gone Girl, I was wrong at every guess. It made me think. Question everything I read. It was fabulous.

Do you have any memories associated with it?

I feel like if I answered this question, I'd be incriminating myself.

Share your favourite quotation from the text.

"I am a thornbush, bristling from the over attention from my parents and he is a man of a million fatherly stab wounds, and my thorns fit perfectly into them."

Katrina Monroe's short stories have been featured in Open Book Toronto, Shadowbox Magazine, and the YA anthology, Unlocked. She is a contributor and editor for the fiction writers' community and e-zine, On Fiction Writing. She lives in St. Paul, MN (dangerously close to Prince, crazed Mall of America shoppers, and the occasional moose) where she slaves over a hot laptop on writing-related articles, book reviews, and her WIP, REAPER. Follow her on twitter at @authorkatm.
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Daily Book Graphics #1284

Penulis : Unknown on Friday, 25 January 2013 | 20:21

Friday, 25 January 2013

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La photo de la semaine


Hier, en allant chercher mes loulous au Collège, JE LA VOIS  garée dans un jardin, toute pimpante dans son habit rouge !

J'ai adoré mes deux "deuch" ...

J'y ai transporté mes bébés lorsque l'on pouvait encore faire P. - Saint-Raphaël en cinq minutes, puis sur le chemin de l'école je me souviens de nos fous rires lorsque nous chantions à tue tête dans notre "décapotable" ...

J'ai eu un mal fou à m'en séparer ... et sans l'insistance de mon mari ...

 J'ai toujours un petit pincement lorsque j'en vois une car elles ont fait partie d'une très jolie période de ma Vie ...
(Souvenirs ... souvenir) 


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Words On Film: Moonrise Kingdom

"Words on Film" looks at the writing process behind films that have been nominated for “Best Original Screenplay” at the Academy Awards. Over the next five weeks, this feature will be dedicated to the five 2013 nominees.

Moonrise Kingdom is a childhood love story that somehow works a hell of a lot better than any love story involving adults. Completely wrapped up in their own fantastical imaginations, Suzy and Sam do everything it takes to be together, leading to many unfortunate events.

This film is classic Wes Anderson. Anderson has a unique style, one that is a refreshing change from the formulaic movies of our time. He struggled with writing the script for a year before enlisting the help of the film's eventual co-writer, Roman Coppola. Together, they crafted a story that is not only inspirational, but a tribute to many previous works.

Anderson's inspiration for the film came from many sources: A Wrinkle In Time, Huckleberry Finn, The Dark Is Rising fantasy series, Marry Poppins, and Night of the Hunter. These texts might be all over the map, but mixed together, they create a beautiful story (in respect to both the script and the visuals).


A landing at the top of a crooked, wooden staircase. There is a threadbare, braided rug on the floor. There is a long, wide corridor decorated with faded paintings of sailboats and battleships. The wallpapers are sun-bleached and peeling at the corners except for a few newly-hung strips which are clean and bright. A small easel sits stored in the corner.

Outside, a hard rain falls, drumming the roof and rattling the gutters.

A ten-year-old boy in pajamas comes up the steps carefully eating a bowl of cereal as he walks. He is Lionel. Lionel slides open the door to a low cabinet under the window. He takes out a portable record player, puts a disc on the turntable, and sets the needle into the spinning groove. 

The story Wes Anderson created even extends beyond the film. He also released animated shorts about the made up novels that Suzy loves. (You can see those here.) Most recently, a visual representation of the script was made available online. You can read the entire screenplay, complete with images and artifacts from the film. (View/download the script here.)

Moonrise Kingdom is an experience. Watch the film, read the script, enjoy the animated novel adaptations, and allow the cinematography to influence your creative life (personal style, home decor, and frame of mind).

Writing Credits: Wes Anderson & Roman Coppola
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Daily Book Graphics #1283

Penulis : Unknown on Thursday, 24 January 2013 | 13:20

Thursday, 24 January 2013

©1963 / Cover: "Waiting," 1946 by Attilio Salemme
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Currently Reading

I am so happy to have stumbled upon The Book Chat at Sweet Green Tangerine. It should be obvious that I love books, and talking about them, so this is the perfect weekly link-up for me!

This week's question is quite simple:

Right now, I am reading THE SENSE OF AN ENDING BY JULIAN BARNES. It's one of those books that I've been eyeing at the bookstore for what feels like forever. I had always heard that it was good, but didn't actually know what the story was about. On a whim, I decided to finally try it and I'm really enjoying it (and should be finished it by the end of the day).

It's a short book, a reflective piece on one man's life and how certain decisions and incidents from your past come back to create consequences in the future. I love the philosophical ponderings about our understanding of time. The book forces you to ask questions about the "proper" way to spend time, how to ensure we have a fulfilling life before time catches up to us.

I've been thinking a lot about time, about life, and success, so it seems appropriate that I'm reading this book now. I love when a book appears at exactly the right moment.
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Create Yourself

Life is an endless, chaotic cycle. The moment we think we have everything figured out, something happens to uproot all that we've established, forcing us into a new direction. We are constantly striving for more. Not when it comes to material objects, but we want to understand more of who we are, what we are meant to do, where we are destined to go.

The issue is that we will never figure this out. As much as we would like it to be, life isn't that simple. There isn't a magic spell we can use to discover ourselves. We are not invented. We can't be completed.

Life is about creating yourself. Creativity is constant, never-ending. As we grow, the things that define us change. We alter our appearance, we meet new people, we connect to new things.

The most we can do is capture the moments. We can use art to remember our emotions along the way. We write. We design. We photograph. We draw. We act. All to make sense of a certain moment in time.

And then we change, creating a new description of ourselves, experiencing life in brand new ways.
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L'heure du thé

Penulis : Unknown on Wednesday, 23 January 2013 | 11:47

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

L'heure du thé !

Lorsque le temps donne au Sud des airs d'Angleterre, rien de meilleur pour le moral qu'une tasse de thé !
Zoé sur l'ordinateur, j'ai englouti la théière pansue tout en regardant un film à la bonne humeur contagieuse "Un divorce de chien" mais qui finit bien !
Ni gâteaux, ni petits fours, ni même un morceau de sucre, c'était juste pour faire joli, raisonnable je suis ...

Pourvu que ça dure !


Et ce matin,
Pour le plaisir, quelques jolies images ...


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Waiting Song

I'll probably never be to as many places
I've seen in my mind
and I know that if I sit here and grin
then maybe it'll be all right

Theresa Sokyrka's album Something Is Expected was released in 2006 and it still remains one my favourites. I fell in love with Theresa when she was on Canadian Idol (yes, we had an Idol show here for a short time) because her voice was unlike anything I had heard before. Her folky tone pairs even better with a simple guitar, which makes this sophomore album absolutely beautiful.

The lyrics in her songs are simple, but evoke so much emotion. It seems that every song on the album brings up something different from my past and, no matter how many years go by, Theresa's songs still resonate in my life.

"Waiting Song" is the first track on the album, a song about things being just out of reach, about feeling stagnant, about comparing ourselves to others. In the end, it's a song about following our own path, avoiding those people and things that will cause us pain even if we so desperately want them, even if it seems to be the easy route.

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*WANTLIST* My Mountains to Climb in 2013 Set List

Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, 22 January 2013 | 16:03

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

One of my Mountains to Climb in 2013 was to finish off at least 12 of 15 sets that I am closest to completing.  I didn't finish this goal last year, but I am updating the list for 2013 and will hopefully be more successful.  If you have any of these and want to trade, just comment below.  I have many dupes from each of these sets if you are building them or I have many dupes from several other sets in the 1986-1993 time period.  I could even hook you up with a starter set if there is one you are interested in building.

1984 Topps - COMPLETE

1986 Fleer
108 218 365 369 370 374 382 385 405 644 646

1987 Donruss
14COR 14ERR 22COR 25ERR 175 180 267 269 270 287 288 291 306 308 332 420 519 535 549 553 556 571 572 574

1988 Fleer
21COR 68ERR 425ERR 462ERR

1989 Donruss - COMPLETE

1991 Donruss
50COR 57COR 388 436COR 436ERR 488 494 497 574 673 718 12BC ERR 15BC

1992 Donruss - COMPLETE

1992 Score
1 162 168 186 294 364 483 488 492 494 496 499 699 716 725 728 759 765 768 781 783 787 794 802 814 822 839 842 845 847 850 851 853 870 871 883

1994 Topps
75 85 90 117 144 147 157 175 181 183 188 191 239 244 253 283 332 348 374 399 401 404 406 408 410 413 415 416 418 425 426 430 432 439 443 445 446 451 453 456 462 463 465 468 472 481 483 490 491 492 494 495 496 497 498 500 501 502 505 510 515 516 529 531 536 539 542 548 554 555 564 565 566 568 569 574 576 581 583 587 591 598 600 601 605 609 613 619 627 631 638 639 642 651 653 654 657 660 663 664 670 673 674 676 679 681 683 691 693 694 698 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 711 714 716 719 720 722 723 725 726 727 734 736 737 739 744 750 751 753 754 756 757 759 761 762 763 767 777 778 781 782 784 785 787 789

2005 Topps Rookie Cup - COMPLETE

2006 Topps
83 106 151 177 297 337 374 416 424 426 504 532 552 635 643

2008 Topps Heritage
11 12 16 21 24 40 68 69 90 92 155 180 224 225 228 301 323 334 335 426 427 430 431 433 434 436 437 441 445 449 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 472 474 475 479 480 482 483 485 489 490 491 492 493 496 498 499 500

2008 Topps Update - COMPLETE

2009 Topps - COMPLETE

2009 Topps Update - COMPLETE

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- Stephen King

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Daily Book Graphics #1282

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On the Shelf: One In Every Crowd

Book Review: One in Every Crowd by Ivan E. Coyote | I Believe in Story

Comprised of new stories and others culled from previous collections, One in Every Crowd is for anyone who has ever felt different or alone in their struggle to be true to themselves. Included are stories about Ivan''s own tomboy past in Canada''s north, where playing hockey and wearing pants were the norm; and about her adult life in the big city, where she encounters both cruelty and kindness in unexpected places. Then there are the tales of family and friends who live their lives by example, like Francis, the curly-haired little boy who likes to wear dresses, and the brave kids she meets at queer youth camp.

The introduction in this short story collection should be photocopied and distributed to every adolescent on the planet. It is so much more inspiring than any bullying prevention programs I've witnessed to date.

Ivan is one of my favourite storytellers. As great as Ivan's stories are written down, they are even better when performed live. I was lucky enough to listen to Ivan talk during my undergraduate degree. I attended a department launch when the Women's Studies department changed its name to Women & Gender Studies. Ivan was the writer-in-residence of the University at the time and told a few stories at the launch as the keynote speaker.

Gender studies is the focus of One In Every Crowd, similar to all of Coyote's previous work. The stories recall what it was like for Ivan to be a gay child, focusing on the struggles and triumphs that go along with not quite fitting in.

This particular book is a curated collection of Ivan's previously published stories (with a few new ones thrown in). If you're unfamiliar with Ivan's work, it would be a great collection to start with. Some of my favourite stories can be found within the pages ("Walks Like," "Saturdays and Cowboy Hats," "Imagine a Pair of Boots"). Unfortunately for me, I had already read most of the stories, which is why I didn't give the book a higher rating.

As I said before, Ivan needs to be heard, not only read. Instead of a written excerpt, here's a video of Ivan Coyote from the Vancouver Poetry Slam (slightly NSFW).

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2012 Quarry Unlimited - The Grand Finale

Penulis : Unknown on Monday, 21 January 2013 | 15:10

Monday, 21 January 2013

Well here we are at the end.  Thank those of you that voted for your favorites from the 2012 Quarry Unlimited set.  After all the votes were tallied I found the top 10 (12 including ties).  I will be showing them in this post in just a bit.  Before that, I would like to thank all of you for reading through my gibberish and looking at my cards.  Right now money is beyond tight, so custom cards are about the only way I have been able to stay in the hobby.  I'm sure some of my readers have been afflicted with financial woes as well, so maybe my customs helped you sustain your hobby as well.

I have been asked by several people if there was going to be a 2013 Quarry Unlimited set.  The answer to that is yes, I am planning on it.  I have the time right now, so I am working on templates and if I get those done while I have time then I will definitely get a 2013 set completed.  The set I am basing my 2013 design on is another Topps set that is in my all time top 10, 1977 Topps.  It will not be an exact reproduction and I am planning a couple of changes (no facsimile signatures, no 2nd border around the photo), but not many.  You will still recognize the original influence.  I have one team nearly finished and I figured I would show it off after the best of 2012.  However that is about nine months away.  For now, let's take a look at the 12 best cards from the 2012 Quarry Unlimited set in the order of your votes.

 3 votes

4 votes

5 votes

6 votes

7 votes


Cool, that's the first thing the Mets have won in years.  I am beginning to understand why it is so hard to get people into the Hall of Fame, because only one of those cards was agreed upon by 75% of the 12 voters.  I think you guys made great choices and I hope you enjoyed this set.

Here is an unfinished template for the 2013 Quarry Unlimited set.

Thanx for reading.

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