Today I want to put up the 42 nominees for "Best in the Set" for my 2012 Quarry Unlimited set. The 42 will consist of the #1 card from each of the 30 teams, 1 from both the All Star subset and the Leaders subset, and 10 wild cards that can be from anywhere. Your job is to vote for your favorite 10.
I am not going write a lot here today because there are 42 cards to view and vote on, so there will be plenty to do. I'll do quite a bit of writing about the set in Part 2. Let's take a look at the nominees.
The poll is currently up on the right sidebar. You are allowed to vote for as many as you like in order to get to the top 10 cards of the 2012 Quarry Unlimited set. Although if Adam Rosales and Devin Mesoraco aren't in your top are wrong. Either way, vote your conscience.
Thanx for reading.
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