This is one of my favorite All Star designs of all time (1988 is probably #1 though that is another series for a later date). I like the old style 24 card All Star subset of "just the starters get a card" much more than the modern viewpoint of "everyone get a trophy" 55 card subset. The only difference between my set and 1986 Topps is that each of the All Stars shown were starters, whereas the 1986 set included several players that were not starters. I think they did that because the Padres (YES THE PADRES!) had 5 of the 9 starters for the NL that year which was a similar problem in 2012 with both the Giants and Rangers having multiple members. I went ahead and used the starters anyway. I made these cards well before 2012 Topps Update came out and I have not purchased any of that product yet other than my Rockies team set, so it is possible that the photos used are the same in some cases. Let's start with the winning NL squad.
For pitchers, I chose the starter, another starter of opposite hand, and a reliever just like in 1986. The exception is that all of these guys WERE in the All Star Game (I'm looking at you John Tudor, fantastic season but not an All Star).
My favorites of this group
1. Carlos Gonzalez (a lot of baseballs in his hands)
2. Jonathan Papelbon (the Phillies sign being behind him is cool)
3. Josh Hamilton (I love a good batting cage photo)
Thanx for reading.
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