In this #1 New York Times bestseller, the CEO of Starbucks recounts the story and leadership lessons behind the global coffee company's comeback. In 2008, Howard Schultz decided to return as the CEO of Starbucks to help restore its financial health and bring the company back to its core values. In Onward, he shares this remarkable story, revealing how, during one of the most tumultuous economic periods in American history, Starbucks again achieved profitability and sustainability without sacrificing humanity.
The writing in this book isn't the greatest. The message is clear and the prose is simple, but the points Schultz was trying to make throughout the book were so repetitive. I read this book because I genuinely wanted to learn more about the Starbucks brand. I continued reading because I wanted to learn more, but the book kept repeating the same things over and over again.
It wasn't a complete waste. Onward is a good glimpse into the world of an international company. If you're at all interested in business, particularly marketing and creating a recognizable brand, I recommend giving it a try. Just be warned that, while Schultz is sharing a part of his story with the world, the book is also a publicity tool in itself to restructure the Starbucks brand. The reader is told exactly what the Starbucks company hopes you think about its values. These values are repeated so many times that you start to think you came up with those beliefs on your own.
Still, I understand why the book became a New York Times bestseller. Schultz has enormous credibility as a business partner and Starbuck's company philosophy is one that many people resonate with. Even as I'm writing this review, I'm sitting at my desk with a cup of Starbucks coffee.
If nothing else, this book reminded me that it's important to research the consumer goods we purchase on a regular basis. An understanding of a company's ethical standards should be a common research endeavour we take responsibility for. After all, we're spending a lot of money for our daily cups of coffee.
"There are moments in our lives when we summon the courage to make choices that go against reason, against common sense and the wise counsel of people we trust. But we lean forward nonetheless because, despite all risks and rational argument, we believe that the path we are choosing is right and the best thing to do. We refuse to be bystanders, even if we do not know exactly where our actions will lead."
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