This month’s Spotlight is dedicated to Buffering, a web series created by Mike Tobias. The story follows Ben Little, a recently unemployed actor, as he attempts to put together a web series of his own, hoping to turn his life around.
The series stars Curt Mega, whose portrayal of Ben Little’s desire to be successful and do something meaningful with his life is mixed with excellent comedic timing. Other members of the cast include Eric Carroll, Matt H. Zimmerman, Chase Edmonson, Stephanie Stuart, and Malgosia Tolak. Kimberly Whalen has already made an appearance in the series and there are promises for more guest stars in the future.
Buffering is about the difficult process of waiting and how we deal with the cards we are given. Everyone knows what it feels like to sit and wait, to work hard for something that seems unattainable. The characters struggle in their own (often humorous) ways, but the situations they go through are very real. Ben Little’s dream of writing a profound web series is an echo of the hearts of many – the drive to do good, to make a difference, to use art as an expression of what makes us human.
Both the content and the medium of Buffering remind us to look inward rather than outward. There is room in this world for all of us to tell our stories – we just need to find the right outlet. We need to think creatively. As much as we may plan out or futures, we can’t control them – it’s more important to make the most of the present moment, to appreciate the people that support us on a daily basis.
The popularity of original web content has increased in recent years. The cast and crew of Buffering are taking advantage of this contemporary medium.
“In my opinion, the rapid expansion of new media has changed the whole game. Although we as actors all still long for those network TV and movie jobs, the fact that an artist can, with a reasonably small budget, go out and create a story on film and distribute it freely without having to handle the huge costs typically associated with distribution changes everything. People exist in an online world. Even if they’re watching TV or movies in the typical setting, they’re hearing about them and furthering the connection to the characters by means of fandom and web content. The web series is a powerful and relevant source of creativity. My hope for Buffering is to get it to a place where we are creating a network quality show that you can take with you on your phone, watch on your dashboard, or play through your Apple TV. So many new possibilities not to be ignored." - Curt Mega
The creative cast and crew of Buffering are sharing an important story with the world. Everyone involved spends countless hours preparing, writing, acting, editing, and promoting the show. They are dedicated to sharing this story and their fans truly appreciate the passion. Buffering is a series that people can relate to, a narrative that everyone belongs to in one way or another.
Buffering has already produced three episodes as well as four “The Ben Diaries” videos, vlogs created by Buffering’s main character. You can learn more about the series by checking out the links below.
Twitter: @bufferingseries
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