This may sound a little strange. I love that there are no cake mixes here in France. There are no pancake mixes, no cookie mixes, brownies, nothing like that. Now, I don't know if it's because people make their cakes from scratch or because the boulangeries or bakeries are sooooo darn amazing.
Whatever the case may be, I freaked out when I first moved here. I had two young children who needed pancakes on weekends, cakes on birthdays and party days and I personally cannot live without brownies!
I found What a lifesaver! I also met several Americans who had been in France awhile and they kindly shared their recipes.
I quickly learned to cook all my baked goods myself and I must say that I will never touch a mix ever again. It is so easy! So fun! So natural. It is wonderful to know exactly what you are putting into the food you serve your children (and yourself). There are no GM ingredients because I buy everything at the good food store. I enjoy baking, I look upon it as a moment to relax and unwind, play a little music, drink some tea, eat a bunch of batter!
And cakes made from scratch taste a whole lot better than mixes!!!
So, voila! A demain.
Love, Charley
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